We all feel melancholy from time to time. When we have a breakup, have an argument with someone, or leave our job, we can feel unhappy and helpless. It is normal for us to experience these kinds of situations and emotions as human beings. But if these feelings persist and begin to affect daily life, they are no longer normal. So what is melancholy? Melancholy is a concept known since ancient times. There are also songs written for the sake of this concept. Because it is more associated with love. But melancholy is a mood disorder that needs to be addressed. It presents as melancholic depression, a subtype of major depressive disorder. So what is melancholic depression? How is it different from other types of depression? Can it be treated? We will look at these together.
What is Melancholic Depression?
Depression comes in different types; these differences vary according to symptoms and severity. Mental health professionals look at a person’s symptoms to understand what type of depression they are. The person will affect himself; When faced with job loss, death, separation, some symptoms begin to appear. There is no rule that says this will happen to everyone. Some people can cope with such situations. But when they are unable to cope, their daily lives begin to be affected. The person loses all interest in life. Melancholic depression manifests itself when this mood persists for a long time and begins to worsen.
The word melancholy is indicated by expressions such as boredom, gloom, and blackness. Melancholic is used for people who are in this situation and whose mood is hopeless. Melancholic depression is a subtype of major depressive disorder (MDD). These people do not enjoy anything, they lose interest in life. They cut off communication with everyone, they do not want to talk. It is a type of depression that can drag the person to suicide if the symptoms last for a long time and are not treated.
What Are Melancholic Depression Symptoms?
In order for a patient to be called melancholic depression, he must show the following symptoms:
- Prolonged feelings of grief and hopelessness
- Indifference to things you used to enjoy
- Disturbances in sleep patterns
- Lack of attention
- Changes in diet, aversion to food
- A feeling of guilt
- Difficulty making decisions
- Intense irritability
- Suicidal ideation

What is the Difference Between Melancholic Depression and Other Depressions?
Melancholic depression is similar to other types of depression; but it appears more severe and more severe. In general, the symptoms of depression appear emotionally, physically, cognitively and motivationally. As the symptoms of depression increase, the type also differs. Of course, it is not expected to show all its symptoms, but it is important to have symptoms that will affect daily life. The more symptoms, the more severe the depression.
The most common symptoms in melancholic depression are sadness and grief. The person is always unhappy, sad and hopeless. However, they always cry, they feel helpless. People with melancholic depression have low self-esteem and self-esteem. They forget things and have trouble remembering. Concepts such as joy and happiness do not exist in their lives. They cannot enjoy life; everything makes no sense. Problems in feeding begin to appear, sleep problems also occur. Unlike other types of depression, symptoms in melancholic depression appear more often in the morning. The person has difficulty getting out of bed. A person with melancholic depression may also consider suicide if they are not treated for these symptoms. It is one of the most intense and severe types of depression.
How Is Melancholic Depression Treated?
Since it is a severe type of depression, it cannot be resolved in the short term. It takes a long time for treatment. Psychotherapy must be taken together with medication. The thing to study in psychotherapy is the change a person will make in their life. It is one of the most important treatment plans to make the person change in a positive way by adding things that will take him out of his sad and unhappy mood and add things that he will enjoy. Since social support is very important in this process, it is recommended to spend a lot of time with close friends or family. A healthy diet and sports are provided. Sleeping is another important issue. It is possible to eliminate melancholy depression with such helpful changes and medication. Of course, these are not easy to do; but it is not impossible either. Remember, it is not an incurable disease. If you have been seeing yourself with the symptoms I mentioned for a long time, you should definitely consult a specialist psychologist and psychiatrist.