What is Psychological Harassment (Mobbing)? – What are the types?

Mobbing is the practice of intimidating, appeasing or withdrawing people from work in front of one or more people in a workplace. This situation is maintained systematically for a certain period of time. It affects the personal values, professional status, social relationships or health of the victim. Harmful, deliberate and negative attitudes and behaviors are included in this type of harassment. In this respect, it can be applied from the boss to his subordinates or among his colleagues. The types of psychological abuse are as follows:

  • Horizontal Psychological Harassment: Actions committed between people of the same age are considered within this range. This type of behavior occurs between peers and competitors.
  • Vertical Psychological Harassment: Vertical change is a problem if the person making the change is an individual manager or management position. This is known to be the most common type of crowd.
  • Indirect Psychological Harassment: It is a type of harassment perpetrated by subordinates. Persons in such employee positions try to put themselves in a difficult situation by not fulfilling the duties assigned to them by their managers or by making complaints to competent managers. However, this is not very common.

What is Psychological Harassment (Mobbing)?

Mobbing is a form of psychological violence that you are exposed to in the form of repeated deliberate attacks by your colleagues and employers in your professional life. It means all kinds of harassment, threats, violence, humiliation, threats and intimidation. Mobbing is a process that begins when a person becomes the target of rude and harmful behavior. As the situation arises in the form of hostility towards one or more people, people begin to alienate first from themselves and then from their surroundings. This process continues with apathy, boredom and inefficiency. Due to the abuse of this power, the targeted person is offended, threatened, ostracized, humiliated, hurt. In addition, his self-confidence is lowered and he is made distrustful of his abilities. Such conditions can cause mental and physical illness. This often leads to resignation or dismissal.

What to Do in Case of Psychological Harassment?


People who think that they have been subjected to psychological harassment in the workplace should first evaluate these situations in a healthy way. If you believe the process you are experiencing is workplace harassment, you should be aware of the following:

  • People should first try to avoid conflict and stay calm. If the changes did not originate from senior management, the matter should be appropriately escalated to senior management.
  • Must keep information and documents such as letters, notes, messages and e-mails in order to prove that he is a victim of psychological harassment.
  • A diary should be kept for psychological abuse.
  • It is also important to meet with a colleague who can witness/help the process.
  • If you are a member of an organization such as a trade union or professional organization, you must get the support of your organization.
  • If people who are subjected to psychological harassment in the workplace cannot solve the problem in the workplace, they should go to court.

Individuals are most distressed by the types of psychological harassment in the workplace. The effects of this situation are reflected as a gradual harm to the individual. Individuals who are excluded from the business world and lose their professional identity over time lose their position in the social and family environment. In this respect, it is important to get legal remedies and psychological support.

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