Winter Depression Symptoms

Experiencing situations such as fatigue, need for sleep, loss of appetite and dissatisfaction can be defined as winter depression. Studies have shown that weather conditions affect people’s mood. Spring always brings a happy and energetic mood. On the other hand, constantly cloudy, dark and gloomy weather can cause disruption of sleep balance, change in eating habits and even change in mood. Experts draw attention to the fact that winter depression can be seen in people who do not have psychological complaints or illnesses. In addition, experts emphasize the importance of early intervention in winter depression and the need to limit sleep time, adjust diet and use regular sunlight. This is thought to be due to the brain’s response to the loss of sunlight from autumn to winter. Winter depression has been shown to be associated with changes in the levels of serotonin and melatonin in the blood. These two chemicals are effective in regulating people’s sleep and wake cycles, energy and mood. In the fall and winter seasons, shorter days, shorter daylight saving time, and longer blackout periods result in higher melatonin levels and lower serotonin levels. This can create the biological conditions necessary for depression to occur.


How is Winter Depression Passed?

Various methods can be used to treat winter depression. Phototherapy has long been used to treat winter-induced depression. Between 6 am and 8 am, people with winter depression are provided with 30 minutes to 3 hours of artificial daylight using a special spectral lamp. In addition, it is necessary to make the most of sunny days and get enough light outside. When the weather is cloudy, appropriate lighting should be provided during the day. You should also plan activities that are mentally and emotionally satisfying and enjoyable throughout the winter. Adding some physical activity to your life causes the synthesis of your own endorphins, which are hormones that keep your spirits high. It is known that drug treatment can be done with medical advice if necessary. If you are experiencing memory weakness or loss of control, you should seek professional help without delay.

Winter Depression Treatment

Medication and psychotherapy treatments can be applied to the question of how winter depression passes. Some patients with winter depression, especially those with severe symptoms, benefit greatly from antidepressants. Antidepressants help restore the balance between serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain, which regulate mood and energy. These drugs should be prescribed and monitored by your psychiatrist. Your doctor may recommend that you start antidepressant treatment each year before typical symptoms appear and continue treatment for a period of time after symptoms have disappeared. Keep in mind that it may take several weeks for antidepressants to be fully effective. Additionally, you may need to try different medications to find the one that works best for you and has the least side effects. In addition, psychotherapy helps prevent or minimize winter depression. It also helps to overcome the feelings of isolation and loneliness that are often associated with depression. In this way, patients learn healthy ways to cope with winter depression.

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